Best Spa Treatments for Men

Popular culture used to treat beauty and spa treatments as exclusively a domain for women. It was not too long ago that day spas and day spa menus excluded the idea of men altogether. However, those days are gone and we have evolved our conception of who should be enjoying spa treatments. Spas are changing their offerings to cater to men, and the men are showing up in droves. What is behind the rise of men-focused day spa treatments? Norman, OK day spa experts at White Rainbow Spa have the answers. Here is why men are lining up for spa treatments and here is how your men can get in on the relaxing action. 

Trends in Norman: Male Spa Treatments on the Rise

All over the world, but even here in Norman, spa treatments for men are on the rise. This seems to be part of a global trend where more and more men are caring about their wellbeing. More men are stating that physical and mental wellbeing is becoming a larger priority in their lives. Men want to live longer and they want to feel as good as possible while doing it. As a result, men are booking more spa days for themselves and their friends. It turns out that everyone likes to get rid of stress and relax. Relaxation and improving your health is not limited to a single gender. Everyone deserves to feel great and be healthy. 

The Differences Between Male Spa Treatments and Female Spa Treatments

If you book a treatment at a Norman day spa, then chances are that a majority of the spa treatments are the same whether you’re a man or woman. A quick tan is good for anyone who wants to have a healthy glow, no matter the gender. Many places try to differentiate services for the genders purely for marketing. A good example is the “Brotox” trend. There is zero difference between botox for men than there is for women. This is an example of how masculinity is being used to sell treatments to men who are new to the marketplace.

However, there are some services that are catered directly to the unique needs of men. What are these treatments and why would men get them? The team at White Rainbow Spa is here to break them down for you:

Men’s Facial Treatment 

While some treatments cut across gender lines, some things like facial treatments can be particularized to men or women. Men and women have different facial hair due to differences in testosterone. Depending on whether you make the decision to shave or not then has a profound impact on your face. Male facial hair is thicker and coarser. Shaving is more harsh on facial skin. Razor burn and ingrown hairs are common amongst men around the globe, including Norman. Facial treatments have been developed for men that are specifically designed to alleviate razor burn and ingrown hairs. Products and techniques are available that can leave your face feeling supple, while holding up to the rigors of daily shaving. 

If you take the other route and do not shave your facial hair, then there are facial treatments that are also designed for you. 

Beard Facial

Just as daily shaving creates special needs for men, so does not shaving. If you have a beard, there are certain care regimens that can keep your beard looking great and your skin clean. Proper beard maintenance is important for hygiene. You can book yourself a Beard Facial if you want an expert to show you how to do it right in Norman, OK. Facial treatments designed for men with beards use an array of products to clean the beard and the follicles. Bacteria can grow in the beard follicles resulting in nasty odors and threats to your health. Cleaning follicles and beard hair is important, but so is keeping it supple so that it doesn’t itch. Beard facials accomplish this perfect balance. It can be a standalone service or it can be added to a Men’s Facial

Final Thoughts

All around the world in every demographic, people are starting to realize the importance of taking care of ourselves. Rising awareness in the importance of self care and personal wellbeing is demonstrated in people getting spa treatments. Stress is more than an inconvenience, it is a killer. Men and women are taking action by booking spa treatments, so that self care is a priority. While there used to be a stigma against men getting spa treatments, Norman men prove that is no longer a thing. No matter your gender, it makes sense to feel great and improve your health.


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