Men's Facials at White Rainbow Spa Norman

Are you tired of dealing with pesky ingrown hairs, razor burn, or overactive oil glands? Look no further than White Rainbow Spa Norman's Men's Facial. This comprehensive treatment addresses the most common skin issues for men and is designed to leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

What to Expect During a Men's Facial

Skin analysis

Our esthetician will begin by conducting a thorough skin analysis. This allows the esthetician to assess your skin type and any specific concerns you may have, such as acne or fine lines. Based on this analysis, they will then tailor the treatment to your individual needs.


A warm, moist towel will be applied to your face. This step is crucial in opening up your pores and prepping your skin for the rest of the treatment. The steam helps to loosen any impurities and dirt that may be trapped in your pores, making it easier for the esthetician to perform extractions later.


A gentle exfoliator will be used to reveal your fresh, new skin. This step involves removing dead skin cells from the surface of your skin. Exfoliating helps to unclog pores and prevent ingrown hairs by allowing hairs to grow out of the follicle more easily. It also helps to promote cell turnover, which can leave your skin looking brighter and more youthful.


If necessary, our esthetician will perform extractions. This step involves removing any blackheads, whiteheads, or other impurities from your skin. While extractions can be a bit uncomfortable, they're an essential part of any facial and can help to prevent breakouts and keep your skin looking clear and smooth.

Treatment Masque

A masque will be applied to your face to hydrate, soothe, or exfoliate your skin, depending on your needs. This step can help to address any specific concerns you may have. For example, if you have oily skin, the masque may contain ingredients that help to regulate oil production. If you have dry skin, the masque may contain hydrating ingredients to help plump up your skin and restore moisture.

Hand and Foot Massage

A relaxing massage will be given to your hands and feet. This is a great way to relax and unwind while your skin is being pampered. The massage can help to improve circulation and reduce stress, leaving you feeling completely relaxed and rejuvenated.

Head, Neck, and Shoulder Massage

A deep tissue massage will be given to your head, neck, and shoulders. This step can be especially beneficial if you're prone to tension headaches or neck pain. The massage can help to release tension in your muscles and promote relaxation.

Facial massage

A gentle massage will be given to your face. This step involves using specialized techniques to help improve circulation, promote lymphatic drainage, and stimulate collagen production. The facial massage can leave your skin looking firmer and more youthful, and can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles over time.

Application of Products

Your esthetician will apply a blend of unique men's products to your skin throughout the entire treatment, to protect your skin from environmental elements. These products can help to soothe and hydrate your skin, leaving it feeling soft and smooth.

Tips for Taking Care of Your Skin After a Men's Facial

After your men's facial, it's important to take care of your skin to extend the results. Here are a few tips:

Avoid harsh soaps and detergents

Use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer

Wear sunscreen every day, even on cloudy days

Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption

Get enough sleep

Eat a healthy diet

Final Thoughts

If you're looking for a way to improve your skin health and appearance, a men's facial at White Rainbow Spa Norman is the perfect solution. Our facials are designed specifically for men's skin, and we use only the highest quality products. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!


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